I realized recently how long it has been since I wrote anything here. Then I realized how many things have changed since then. However with all of the change much is exactly the same. Life is GOOD. We really are here to find joy, and it is ubiquitous to those who look. So today I decided to just thank, semi publicly (I have no illusions about how many people will actually read this) and from the bottom of my heart, a loving God who treats me so well.
I have the distinction of associating with great people. Beginning with a dad and mom who spent countless hours trying, thankfully with success, not to kill me. Luckily they even impressed upon me a few life lessons and not just hand prints. I was trouble with a capital T and they loved me through it, not because I deserved it, but because that is who they are. From a dad willing to work every day and set aside personal enjoyment to make sure a young boy learned to ride a bike, and work on cars, and do household repairs, but even more importantly how to treat women with respect and sacrifice for his family and love his Savior. To a mother who gave up everything on earth but being a mom, her body, her time, her talents, and hours on her knees. She taught me to cook and clean, mend and sew, and even better to love and forgive, and lift others. Then when everything I am capable of doing is on the line to pray like my life depends on it. Because it does. Thanks mom and dad.
I have the honor of being the brother to 6 sisters, 3 brothers, 6 brothers-in-law (soon to be 7), and 5 sisters-in-law. Together we make a rowdy, opinionated, stubborn mob. I wouldn't trade this group for any other in the world. They have seen me at my worst and helped lift me to my best. They love and care even when I don't merit their attention. Their diverse and wonderful talents are made far better by their willingness to share them for no gain. From home maker to accountant, brick mason to student each has skills and abilities that have blessed my life and enriched my soul. All the while, they have done this without thought for personal gain, and sometimes at great hazard to their well being and hearing. (Sorry guys.) From the depths of my soul thanks for letting me call you my siblings.
Before mentioning my beautiful wife, I have to thank the two giants who gave her to me. Thank you for embracing a brash, cocky, self righteous, impertinent, and bullheaded young man. I have grown much from associating with two people of your sterling character.
Ah my wife. I always dreamed of marrying a red head. A woman who was intelligent, beautiful, happy, loving, open, and just plain GOOD. Wow did I out punt my coverage. I am so over chicked it is not even funny. Babe, you make my world go round. You not only care for me and love me, but you make me want to be a better person. Someday I hope I am worthy of your adoration and respect. You are by far the best thing that ever happened to me. At some point maybe I can make up to you all the tears and heart ache I have given you so freely. I can't think of anyone better to watch my back, and pick up the pieces behind me when I ruin things. You truly complete me... Thank you for being the mother of my children, my lover, and my best friend. I'll be your wing man any time.
I have two of the best kids in the world. They love me even though I am grouchy. They hug me when I am sad, and make me laugh until my sides ache. Noodle and Boo, no daddy could ask for more. You melt my heart constantly and keep me up nights wishing I could be better for you. The light in your eyes brings hope to my world. Your smiles remind me of God's grace. You are beautiful and wonderful, loving and caring. Please stay pure and strong and full of that childlike wonder for the world. Your questions make me think and dream and imagine, I love it. I wish I had the talent of story telling like Ray Depew or Carol Rehme so I could fill your minds with epics written just for you. I wish I could sing and play the piano like your Em to make the air with music ring. I wish I was the perfect daddy for you because you deserve one who is far better than I. Most of all just know that I love you more than I can ever convey in word or action.
I come from a legacy of good, honest, hard working men and women. People who spent each day giving and loving. Thank you to grandmas and grandpas, by blood and inherited who have shaped me and taught me with your example of service. I have never had to look far to find an example of anything good. Thank you to my other family members who are carrying the torch of our ancestry farther and brighter than I can ever dare dream. You make me proud to be your cousin, uncle, and nephew.
I am honored to wear the uniform of the United States Army. Each day I associate with men and women who are willing to go into harms way so that others can be free. To all the servicemen and women, current and past, thank you. Thank you for answering the call. I am in awe each day of the privilege it is to be one of you.
Thank you to a few good friends who have profoundly touched my life. To "The Collective", to the young men my mom calls the "Fantastic 5", to Andrew and Chris, and to mom and dad #2, thank you for letting me into your homes and your hearts. I learned lessons from you I couldn't learn anywhere else. It takes a village to raise a child, and I am convinced it still takes one to shape a man. Thank you for challenging my world views and expecting more from me.
I have left many out of the list, I am sure, who are deserving of my praise more than I have deserved their help. Thank you to all of the unsung heroes in my life: teachers, scout leaders, bosses, friends, mentors, etc. Maybe someday when I have a perfect memory I will be able to thank each of you personally for the good you have done in my life.
Most of all I am thankful to my God. A loving Father who saw fit to place me where I could be happy and successful. Who sacrificed his only perfect offspring to give me the opportunity to return and live with him. I am left speechless at the beauty and glory of your creations. Thank you for allowing me to be your son.
Thank you.